the javengers!
2024 State championship winners and World Championship qualifiers!
the javengers!
2024 State championship winners and World Championship qualifiers!
This is the 3rd time around for us, and we expect to make this an annual event. We started out in 2015 and had a small group that had a great time building robots with LEGO EV3 kits. Last year we had 2 camps: Beginners and Advanced to help keep the kids challenged. It was an amazing experience for the participants as well as the Camp Instructors. We have pictures that are worth a few thousand words. Go See!
We have had a great year so far! Our team qualified to go to the PA state championship at the first qualifier we went to this year at the HatTricks qualifier event on Dec 10th, 2016 (Horsham, PA).
The State Championship is coming up quick on the 25th of February. Wish us luck!
On October 2nd, the female Javengers on our FTC team traveled to the annual Girls World Expo in Harrisburg! This event’s mission is to “inspire girls everywhere to reach higher, go farther, and do more” [...].
The school many of us on the Javenger's team go to(Cumberland Valley HS) has after-school clubs for everything from Doctor Who to Archery… but something was missing: a Robotics Club! When our team demonstrated our robot and shared our FTC experience during school lunch periods, we observed a huge amount of interest and excitement from a significant portion of the student body [...]
I remember sitting in my 9th grade computer science classroom, wondering why I was one of only two girls present. Unfortunately, it's always been like this. Women have been making monumental contributions to science and technology throughout history, yet do not gain the approval of society or their peers. And despite society's immense progression, research shows that women are underrepresented in STEM fields, especially computer science and engineering [...]
Racing Robots at the PACAR Aug 2016 One day camps revs us up for the season!
Robots whirring? Kids solving real world problems? Learning and understanding complex team building techniques? The future? Nope, just the FLL program working its magic. On August 19, 2016, kids aged 9 to 14 experienced FLL to its finest, at the PACAR FLL boot camp. [...]