On October 2nd, the female Javengers on our FTC team traveled to the annual Girls World Expo in Harrisburg! This event’s mission is to “inspire girls everywhere to reach higher, go farther, and do more”. (More information about the event can be found here: http://www.girlsworldexpo.com/index.html). The Expo featured several inspiring female speakers, dance and martial arts performances, and many more fun activities.
Since two of the Javengers team members were on the Girls World Expo advisory board, we had the opportunity to share our passion for FTC with girls of all ages and backgrounds at the event. In fact, more than 500 girls attended the Expo! So many of them got to drive our robot and were really excited and inquisitive about robotics. Many girls signed up to receive more information about our PACAR summer camps and expressed interest in forming their own teams. This was a great way to inspire more girls to pursue STEM and participate in FIRST programs.
A big thank you to the Girls World Expo for allowing us to demonstrate our robot at the event! It was a really fun experience and the Expo is definitely helping raise girls’ self-esteem. Most importantly, we were proud to see that every girl had the enthusiasm and drive to succeed at whatever they choose to do.